
Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's all happening.

In regards to a introductory questionnaire I filled out for a farm on Maui.

Hi Adam

Marta and I are both inspired by your responses and experiences.

We're in the process of installing a photovoltaic system as of this week - working with
a long time friend who has morphed from the jewelry biz to sustainable energy systems. We're also planing to build a ferro-cemet water tank -5000 gallon- back up system.

On Maui the zoning for Ag property allows 200 sq ft farm buildings to be unpermitted. We could build a geodome - the details could be manageable. Marta and I will be available for a phone call before 8 am or after noon Mon-Fri.

Marta will have our availability dates so we can make a plan with you.

Let us know when you can talk.

Bill Greenleaf

Progress baby. Progress. It's all happening. Maui! Fucking Maui!

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