
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Geo Dome Up!

finished up the geo-dome today, and used the solar panel to run a fan and radio all day. it is a far cry from complete self-sufficiency, but its a gradual step.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Kinda havin a tough day today. Its necessary though. I need contrast to balance out my high energy and positivity of usual.

Was I bestowed with more female energy than most males, because I have a compelling urge to cry right now and I have no idea why. Sometimes I feel like I am so disconnected from everyone. It is within my nature to question, but why do I question myself?

Ill just put in my headphones, zone out and get through the day.

I find relief in thinking of Black Rock City. The Man burns in 65 days.

Monday, June 23, 2008


It was a beautiful night and I got off early, so I rode to the cactus for a burrito after work, leaned my bike against a wall and tried to order, but they wouldn't take my card unless it was over $10. I'll be back. I turn around and my bike is gone. Instantly, my thought is, "go," and I start scanning the street. 100 yards off, headed North, I see my back light blinking. The gates open and I animate like a bat out of hell. That's my mother fuckin bike. WOOF! My heart is racing, my head is pounding like my feet to the pavement, and my mental accelerator is filling my body with ADRENALINE. I am preparing myself for what is next. A showdown.

As he slows for the signal to turn right onto Santa Monica I know now is my chance; because if he turns the corner, I'll get tired and he'll ride off. I can't let that happen. My feet are ripping up the pavement with anticipation, and as he clumsily navigates my fixie, I pounce off the sidewalk and side check his ass off it. "THATS MY BIKE, MAN!" I command, and I start swinging my prize.

"If you hit me with that shit, I'll kill you. I'll stab you," he claims and he starts reaching in his pocket. An idle threat I think, but why test it.

"It doesn't have to come down to that," I roar back at him.

As I'm standing in the middle of the street, bike clutched in fight mode, he stumbles stupidly back onto the sidewalk and waves me off. WOOF! Thats my mother fuckin bike. I'm still standing in the middle of the street.

If I had wore my clip-ins, there's no way I would have caught him running. I usually always wear my biking shoes, but for some reason, I just felt like wearing my regular shoes. If they had taken my card and processed it, he would have been long gone before I looked at my bike again.

A number of coincidences led me to experience this, and I feel really good about my ability to handle the situation and react with lightning certainty. I am a man who will stand up and fight.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Midnight Ridazz @ Burning Man!

Last night I went to a Midnight Ridazz/Burning Man gathering to watch a film, drink beer, and talk of Black Rock City! It was awesome! As if I didn't love riding bikes enough, now Burning Man is in the mix?! yeaaa. There were some really good energies and I think it will be a great group to be a part of. I have the geo-dome and solar panel kit to offer, although most likely I will be using it as my own shelter. I seriously think Burning Man is one of the greatest things I can be a part of.

I am getting incredibly excited.

Also, I have recent news that Ms. Stacy and Ms. Carly will be attending the festivities thursday thru sunday. I'm excited for them to experience that and look forward to welcoming them.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Do not fear fear. That is what they want you to do.

IF you oppose them, they will bring you down. Fight all that much harder, because if you fear that reaction, the revolution has already been quelled inside you and your spirit has been broken to their will of greed, authority and control.

The most important step is education and awareness. Once you see the light beyond the velvet glitz, you will not be fooled to it.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Burning Man

I can't f'n wait.
I think about it every single day.
The massive creativity makes my heart skip a beat.
Its otherworldly, unbelievable, and utterly astonishing.

Nothing in my wildest dreams could have prepared me for my first experience of Black Rock City, and the moment I left the dream-sphere of the desert, I was preparing for the next year.

Now its only 3 months away. So far, I will be venturing solo, but I have no qualms about that.

Getting my costumes and props ready.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

More than the Master Cleanse

I had been on the master cleanse (strictly water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper) for the last 6 days, but today I felt that it was time to end, so I went to Trader Joe's and got some juices, nuts, bananas and prunes to readjust myself back into eating solid foods, but more than detoxing my body, it turned into a spiritual and emotional journey.

On the way home I had a revelation and it came to me through gushing tears in the car. How fortunate and privileged I am to be able to end my fast whenever I feel like it - to just go to the store and buy the most fresh, wholesome and organic food. There are so many people in the world that do not have that luxury. I witnessed firsthand what hunger and desire was and no one should ever have to be put through that, especially when the means are available to end it.

Our country, the United States of America, has the ability to feed, educate, house, and give health care to every single person on the face of the planet, but due to greed and power, that resource is diverted into profit for 1% of the population's pockets at the expense of natural resource and exploitation of human labor, only to widen the gap between haves and have nots. These are politicians, corporate owners, world bank CEOs, and leaders of nations that are fooled into falling for the Corporatocracy.

I see this. It is so clear to me that most Americans are blinded and ignorant, but its not our fault. That's how they want us to be. Like cows, grazing and constantly consuming. SO IT IS UP TO US! It is up to stop this cycle! To spread awareness and reduce our consumption, recycle and reuse the things we have already instead of buying new. To many of our fellow soul-jahs are blinded into the facade and consumed by the material world. The fight now lies not in the physical battle quite yet, but in the belief system that we carry to not be those cows and feeding their system. To speak out against injustice, protect that which we hold dear, and spread awareness and educate!

The master cleanse has done more for me than I could imagine and it is just another one of the events in my life that build who I am. I am a revolutionary. I am a soul-jah, and when the day comes to stand up, the battalion will be there to rise with me against the forces of greed, corruption, and oppression.

Until then, buy from your local grocer and farmers market, go out of your way to recycle as much as you can, reduce consumption of useless products and frivolousness and for crying out loud, reuse and fix your things instead of throwing them away for more junk!

I am a revolutionary.

Monday, June 2, 2008

i made it home

here i am.

time to go to sleep. i am single and trying to focus on my oen creativity. i have been a boyfriend many times. i am now ready to take on the challenges of single bachelorhood. tomorrow brings a new day, and each chapter that passes only fulfills the time of passing as that which will lead to tomorrow and the adventure of what will come. 

pay off debt. save up. quit job and travel.