
Friday, February 26, 2010

Exhausted, Creative, Alive

Wow. What a week! It's Friday morning (bagel day!) and here are some thoughts.

Burning Man
The above image was taken in 2007. Get stoked. No drugs necessary, though highly recommended, the sphere and energy of the valley secluded between the Black Rock mountains is purely indescribable. 960+ acres of interactive & creative projects, art cars, fire machines, dancing, glowing shit, theme camps, and the 4th largest city in Nevada for one week. Simply, I've come to understand it as such: Burning Man is a week-long (or longer depending on your interest in preparation or Earth Guardian-ship) experiment in self sufficiency and a mind bending trip into a Creative Circus-like Pirate Carnival Extravaganza, rated in the top 10 parties/experiences in the world to attend.

My first impression of the event was a bunch of hippies in the desert. How wrong I was. This thing is prepped all year long, and a $2M a year business. There are street signs, a DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles), post office to the outside world, WiFi access, coffee bars, absinthe bars, food and booze at every turn, art installations, costumes, and parades. A very well orchestrated event.

The drawn out point that I'm grasping at is that Burning Man is like nothing else, and I'll be attending this year. In prior years, I've just showed up, but this year I'll be going hog wild in preparation with plans for wrapping my geodome in canvas, daisy chaining some solar tech to have a small fridge, and getting really creative with the projects.

More to come as the weeks go on.

Workin Man
This week has been incredibly hectic and busy with work. Late nights and near impossible deadlines give me little breathing during the week for anything else and there is this unspoken pressure of making my designs hot as a steaming pile of shit, but maintaining low hourly billing to the clietn. Considering I'm leaving in a few short months, it may seem odd I care so much. That's how I roll. 100% till completion.

The cube aside, work on freelance has been up and down. Because I have been at the office for such a good period of the last month or so, I've neglected a few clients, and subsequently they've been going to other freelancers. While I was dismayed at first, I see now that its only natural for things to shift, priorities to re-order, and loose ends to tie up. Additionally, I don't want to get stagnant even as a designer doing the same things. I've been learning my lessons about pricing, turn times, and productivity. In my defense, working at the office for 12 hours and then coming home to work until 3am takes some serious passion, motivation, or maybe just lunacy. I literally have to keep a calendar now and schedule in "relax" because otherwise I won't.

So clients come and go, and that's just the natural ebb/flow of interaction. However, I'm really excited about this new client that just entered the fold, and I intend to focus energies appropriately. Client name aside, these are some guiding principles of said client, paraphrased:
  • To deliver the wisdom of Nature, relieving suffering and promoting optimal health.
  • to further the organic movement, nourishing body and soul with pure whole foods
  • To nurture and sustain Mother Earth, the source of natural healing.
  • To honor personal growth, for enlightened teamwork depends on the vitality of every member of the family
Tuned in to my personal endeavors completely! I can barely contain myself to get grow this client and the possibilities that could come from it. But that's further down the road. I'll be doing some logo treatments for now.

I'm also continuing to press forward with WhoRulez, which has made some leaps and bounds in the last year. We've been working on this for the last three or four years, and only recently are we seeing it materialize into the humblest beginnings of what it will eventually become.

Closer to farming, but still in the realm of design, I've been talking to the Odiyan Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center about a possible farming apprenticeship on their 1100 acre land of temples, gardens, and cultivation. While my initial inquiry was based just on physical labor and a little deeper understanding of the eastern philosophy, the person I spoke with said they are always needing graphic designers for web updates, brochures, etc. Wow! So I can continue to be graphically tapped as well as learn Buddhism and get a farming/cultivation experience. Awesome. More to come on that as things progress.

Farming Man
I have been met with some resistance by my parents to quitting and beginning the path of sustainability. They are worried about my financial situation, how I will make ends meet, health insurance, and general things any sane parent would be concerned about when their kid says they're going to quit a well paying job to go, as a Steinbeck character would say, "live off the fat of the land." I'm sure they perceived it as some stoner pipe dream and were obviously unsettled. So we talked it out. I sent them links to the WWOOF farm in Hawaii, Aprovecho, Simondale, and the EPA website that talks about all the permits, tax incentives, and possible grants for eco-project homes. After a rather lengthy video chat (modern man, I am), my mom was pleasantly satisfied by my depth of research and forethought. It's not just some stoney idea of utopia. This is a reality for me and my goal in life(side note: 4 acres of land in Oregon is only $8000). It's a tough thing to grasp if one's mind is not able to understand the possibility of life outside of systems in that are already in place. Sounds so Matrixy...

Nevertheless, onward!

I'm so exhausted, but I've managed to parlay that into fuel for creative productivity. Last night was a 2am night, the evening prior was a 3am night, and tonight will be similar. So this weekend will be fully deserved. It's funny though, I have to do chores and play catch-up from the week.

There will be little down time, but at least I'll be able to relax at home with a nice herbal blend and a cup of coffee on the back porch while I tend to the tasks at hand.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

going around in circles.

how very interesting.

i failed to save an illustrator document since yesterday and it just shut down on me. probably 5 hours of work total, gone. this is the visual map of my stylus movement, and proof of my work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Loose Timeline, seen for the Future, from the Now.

Plans progress everyday. Gradually bits and pieces fill themselves into the larger plan. I just recently received word from an off the grid farm in Hawaii that I am their first consideration for the upcoming fall season, and I've started making my time line loosely based around that.

It goes something like this:

May 2010:
May 28th last day of work. Liberation in my step and a goal in my path.

A few backpacking expeditions for my birthday. Halfdome, Zion, & others. Finish projects, tie off all the loose ends

Work at LOLA restaurant in Louisiana, possibly Habitat for Humanity a few days a week in New Orleans. I'll be able to visit and live with family there as well. My folks will be back in the house at this point.

Three weeks in Peru/South America

Burning Man, prep for departure, sell/get rid of furniture and stuff

October - January 2011:
Rainforest Glenn in Hawaii - In an email exchange: "You do sound like a very good match for us... Stay in touch and we can make a plan for fall...We have had 2 guys leave 2 weeks early which disappointingly leaves us shorthanded and extra busy...Our biggest problem however is with commitment. We want to be clear beforehand. Judging by your letter we expect you do understand...You are the first person we are considering for fall."

February & March 2011:
Begin construction of The Shire in Mississippi

April - June 2011: Odiyan Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center building temples, maintaining gardens, learning of Buddhism.

July 2011 & on: WWOOFing on other farms in Montana, Colorado, Oregon, and eventually back to California.

So that's what it's kind of looking like. As the days go on, things become more solid, and other opportunities present themselves, but this is my projection of the next year, right now.

Who knows what will happen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

34.2º N, 118.4º W

"I'm quitting my job to travel and go farming to learn how to be off the grid and sustainable." My mom didn't like hearing that one. It must be done though, because it is my destiny. I know it. Each day I continue working in advertising, I can feel my soul chain smoking greed and pressure through a tailpipe of exploitation and crushing dedication.

And full sustainability is entirely possible. The book I'm holding is the catalog of WWOOF farms in the United States that I can work on. At least 1000 farms across these U-nited states are able to sustain themselves, and I think I can do better. That book will be my bible.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

If I don't get fired (though, hopefully to collect unemployment) my last day of work will be a May 28th. I'll be backpacking for a few weeks in some national parks, getting things in order, finishing up projects, selling or getting rid of furniture, and beginning my journey. My journey of experience and knowledge. Because if I don't do it, it won't get done.

Atom Farm continues to grow, and the more I collaborate with people, the more I develop what it can be, literally growing the idea into eventual fruition. It seems that many people are in a state of frustration with the status of life. So lets change that. This is our life. How do we want to live? Slaves till retirement? Not me. I'm here to experience and enjoy every facet and it seems that my peers share a similar idea of life.

We can do it! We can break free from systems of control! Cast away fear and doubt, for the power lies within the people, and the individual power of the do-ocracy!

What started out to be just personal self sustainability has turned into the real possibility of a new world living/learning/loving life experience. A retreat co-op, if you will.

The farm wouldn't be against making money. In fact, we would sell products and services to local communities and those seeking retreat from the oppressive media and corporate giants. Prominent urbanites pay top dollar for mud masks, and there's no reason we shouldn't offer a whole life experience of organic, off the grid living. For each person that wants to live or visit a life of liberation, harmony with nature, and consciousness, we can break free from systems of control. It is literally and physically possible.

I've been called an idealist, but I think I'm a realist living ideally.

34.2º N, 118.4º W - This is my current position.

Definitive locations thus far:

Covington, LA
to work at Nealy's restaurant. maybe learning to bar tend. Perhaps working Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans part time.

Hatiesburg, MS
to build a greenhouse and begin excavation of The Shire on Uncle Paul's 200 acre tree farm. $8 an hour and tranquility. A paid Thoreau...

Whitefish, MT
to work on farms and gain knowledge of cultivation methods. 15 hour weeks, a bounty of nature surrounding.

Odiyan Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center, CA
to study Buddhism, build shrines and temples, and cultivate a garden for 3 months. Pays $200 a week

While the four prior locations are certain, chronology has not been determined quite yet. There are a few more farms I'm attempting to ascertain apprenticeship on before I make any commitments in ink.

Sampling from The Sanctuary, in Pahoa, HI (1 of 60 farms in Hawaii)
...not far from active volcanic flows that enter the ocean, and we have black sand beaches, a gorgeous shoreline, and an eclectic, alternative back to the land community.... 70 acres consists of old forests, organic orchard, grazing for sheep, goats, and horses, fish aquaculture, in ground swimming pool and hot tub, and an inter species community of man and animal. we only use alternative energy and are completely off the grid... we consider our place a Sanctuary since we seek harmony, tranquility, and peace with nature...looking for WWOOFers year round wanting 2 week internship learning how to live off the land, car for the wild, live off the grid, learn organic farming practices, and connect with animals. we offer house shared by WWOOFers located in forest setting, provide board and fresh goat milk, eggs, and tropical fruit bounty. In exchange, we want 4 hours of work per day, 6 days per week. bareback horse riding training available.

I must write letters or call each host farm. I'm getting my ducks in line, and really putting my efforts towards this path.