
Sunday, September 28, 2008


Wow. The signs just keep getting clearer. I found a project through the wanderings of the internet and Greenopia called Farmlab. "A short-term multi-disciplinary investigation of land use issues that are related to sustainability, livability, and health. Among much more, as a nascent think tank, art production studio, and cultural performance venue."

I want to go check this out.

One of the events that looks interesting is a speech called Can Design Stop a War? Which is interesting to me, because I want a farm and to design material that really matters. For no monetary gain, but simply to execute a visually stunning and coherent message of worth!

The path is presenting itself to me like a dog in heat.

hello (at) atomfarm (dot) com

i like purple. 


not sure what to say about this one. interesting verbiage & experimentation.

Other Earth

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


damn you trance. damn you and your ability to entrance me. you make me want more burning man, and you never get old. always there, like a ubiquitous stream of ethereal energy. i put you in my ear and you just go for it. like the unknowable nature of the beginnings of time, you were just there. you make the day move, you make my mind move, you make my creativity stay fluid.

damn you trance.

as inspiration, here are some great design sites: constantly updated w/ photos/illustration/design texture site (high quality)

Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is my new favorite website. Instructables

This is a great resource for the path to sustainability.

Friday, September 19, 2008

feelin good

I am doing freelance web work for EcoPerks. Their website right now is horrible, so here I am. I also got some freelance next week for Tonic. I am pretty excited to do some branding development, and hopefully I can get a folio piece or two. Things are starting to pick up. If the amount of freelance stays the same, I could be very happy. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I really like it. The $$, the freedom, the change of pace and jobs, the ability to leave if I want.

Went to the bike store today for a rear light, and had a really awesome conversation with one of the mechanics. He reaffirmed my belief in the pursuit of contentment and happiness in life. And he gave me a shirt. Hollywood Pro Bikes - WOOOOOOP.

Sins n Sprockets tonight. Maybe in a few weeks I will be ready to do an Alley Cat race.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


hello out there in digital land. brian and i just went on an awesome bike ride. i got plastered last night at beer pong. coherent and linear thoughts have never been my strong suit.  just scanned up this little sketch. its sort of zen in that they are not all the same, but in some respect they are. like humans. most of us share common features like arms, legs, facial parts, etc., but underneath the purely visual, we are all so different. our likes and dislikes, how we deal with situations, favorite colors, allergies, etc. I think this is one of the simplest and best sketches i have ever done.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Life after Burning Man

Great experience. Our Midnight Ridazz camp was great. Its especially awesome to come back to the default and have a stronger connection to the riders. 

I'm having difficulty finding direction. There are many options for the next step staring me in the face. All i wanted when i came back was to ride my bike have some kind answer, but none had come, so brian and i packed up the bikes, went to vegas, the hoover dam, the grand canyon and ended up in Texas. I drove halfway across the country on a whim after two weeks of meeting you. Something chemical, you even said.

I suppose I was looking for something. Some kind of answer or direction, but i only found more options. Life is full of them, and its what I do with each that makes me who i am. Right now, I need a job. I think I'm just gunna be simple for a little bit and work at Whole Foods - and ride ride ride. It will give me the chance to enjoy myself, and focus on some real freelance design projects I feel more endeavored to.

Mostly I'm trying to figure out what exactly it is that I want out of life, out of my future, and what I'm here for. I've felt that I spread myself over many things and lack a follow through or motivation, or perhaps even a passion. I'm still finding the avenues, but I know my path will present itself gradually.

Burning Man and the post road trip adventure have given me the peace of mind to sit stare at the horizon, and take my time with a decision that I genuinely want. Relative happiness is a whole completeness within the individual. I am happy.

P.S. I can't write music, but here are two song titles from my trip: "I left my toothbrush in El Paso" & "Never been to Austin; Just thought I'd Go"