It is well past my bedtime (who am I kidding, I go to bed when I want) and I am excited with progress. I'd thought my own website would be on the backburner till I finished other projects, but I had a burst of energy and a vision. So I decided to start slow and low at first and gradually work up to a roar. It's simple for now, but suffices well beyond a blank page that screams, "I don't have my shit together, but please consider me professional anyway."
Without further ado:
AtomFarm& the full folio for your convenience
AtomFarm BookYesssssss...
Last week, I went camping on the beach with my friend Jordan.

Our sandy sea quarters were less than two hours from my house at Point Mugu, but it managed to take us the entire day to get there. We were 10 miles away when his brakes went out, literally smoking, and rather than let it sit, we got it towed to a mechanic near my house, reloaded the gear into my car, and drove back out to the beach, set up camp, and got the lay of the land. I brought out one of my deep cycle batteries and mini fridge for ultimate beer cooling and testing the system. That night, we witnessed a spectacular dance of nature I've never seen before. Microscopic
dinoflagellates produce natural bioluminescence (like Avatar!!) and glow an unreal blue when disturbed as though nature had puked a rave in the breakwater. We hadn't even taken the psilocybin yet. The stars were clear, and it was magic. I even used a really cool free App called "Planets" on my iPhone to track the constellations. Technology.... woOOooOOoOOOooOoO
The next morning we woke for breakfast (I love camping and waking with the sun), had a snap of fudge and crossed under a drainage wash towards the mountains to peer into our minds. I always have chalk with me for just such occasions.

We ended up at a fork in the road, paused for a moment and eventually took the path where a brown hare had suddenly appeared. Further down the rabbit hole we went! It was a gloomy morning, but by mid-day it, the sun was doing what it does best. We were off the beaten path, hiking at the top of a ridge, coastal wind on our now shirtless and sweat drenched bodies, shit eating grins on our faces, and it was a Wednesday. There were very brief moments of questioning a u-turn to get back on the "trail," but I'm glad we followed our instincts and pressed on. When we got back to camp, the rest of the fudge was split, we played some Bocce Ball with intermittent giggles and sat on the smooth rock beach where we had admired the ocean the night prior. Dolphins and bay seals entertained us for the afternoon, while we gave ourselves foot massages by rock and I felt a balance of nature and human that was so vividly real, it reassures my upcoming journey of harmony. I made rock sculptures and discussed the finer qualities of being a rock with said rock, and I came to a conclusion. Its not the rock that changed, just my perception of it. Like "there is no spoon" from the Matrix. Can this be carried over into other parts of life? "There is no obstacle" is essentially what I got from it, and yes, it can be carried over. If you want something bad enough, there is no obstacle.
I want freedom, and I am taking the steps to make it a more permanent lifestyle, rather than doling out my liberty into two (and sometimes) three day segments from a benevolent boss. I made final commitments with the farm in Maui last night, and there are many things growing, not necessarily exactly as planned, but full of possibility none the less. One of my newest clients is a filmmaker, and I might trade some services with him for a film of my own. Who knows? Rhetorically speaking, of course; I'm not concerned with knowing. I'm having a rather excellent time on the ride as it is.
How could I forget?! Freedom? Independence?! Happy 4th of July to the truly independent.
Speaking of rides and freedom, I've been riding my Surly much more frequently. When I ride the hipster bike, it just feels weird now.
I still use it, but more casually, and discernibly (quick local trips). Anyway, I've been riding the bikes much more, because I figure, I talk the talk, I should walk the walk (ride the ride?). So I rode to my Sunday farmers' market which makes me incredibly happy to begin with, but being on my bike, with the wind in my face, coffee in hand and organic foods in my panniers... man, I'm getting into it. I like sustainability and farming and independence and communing with nature and people. Nay, I love it.
Totally forgot I was on bike when I bought the watermelon, but with the bags and rack, I figured it out. I got:
- watermelon
- 1Doz eggs
- Half flat of strawberries
- peaches and a nectarine
- Yukon gold potatoes and yellow onions
- corn
- bok choy and a head of lettuce
- cherries
And not a single egg broke. I even helped a man on the way home with directions and gave him a strawberry. Good day, and cheers.
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