May 7th, 2010 was the greatest day ever. A thrust in the right direction. A defining decision handed to me. The catalyst to my upcoming adventure which was already taking shape in planning and research. I can't help but give thanks to the alignment of space-time. Is there a reason? Am I fulfilling my destiny? Is this all meant to happen? This, I certainly know not... and from a philosophical standpoint, interesting to ponder, but ultimately I conclude, questions can be asked all day. I must act and walk my path with intention rather than question.

I am completely untethered in an endless sea of liberation and opportunity. Life opens itself to me like a lotus blossom, and I remind myself of Kerouac in some ways.
Without sounding entirely hedonistic, I do what I want, when I want. For me. I dance when and where I please, drink in the middle of the day, smoke reefer, garden, write, read, take naps, go swimming or ride to the beach, take care of stuff around the house and have no bedtime, nor a time to be up unless I give myself one. Which lends itself to an interesting phenomena... I actually like being up in the morning! I like the freshness of the air, the opportunity of the whole day in store, and the clarity of mind to enjoy it. The necessity of going to work is really a bummer on one's psyche. The chaotic rush of the morning commute, stressful workload and consistently late nights, all but shy of impossible deadlines and a lingering fear of getting canned at any moment, "which makes someone work just hard enough to not get fired." (Peter Gibbons, Office Space) It's no wonder how easy it is to keep the people fixed like sheep - apathetic, ignorant, and numb. But it's not their fault. A bit from the ole sketch:
The system, at large, exploits the earth, and in turn, exploits humanity. Controlling natural resources, and creating fake worth. In the end, what purpose does this hoarding serve? Respect for the Earth and harmony are more important than this. We are connected to growth of the planet, and it to the solar system, and beyond, which is infinitely more connected and closer to a "reality" of the cosmos than our human and temporal monetary woes. This incredible dance of cosmic wonder and arrangement is mind boggling. Perhaps the pursuit of tangible acquisition and wealth only serves to blind us from stretching to spiritually heightened kinetic possibilities.
But money is not the root of all evil. It is merely a physical incarnation of our finite comprehension of the concept of true evil. Which by all accounts, isn't really inherent evil at all, so much as it is the antithesis of everything... the yin and yang, if you will. So in the end, I question, is oppression and exploitation hand in hand with harmony and love in the grander picture? If I quell oppression in one area will love be extinguished elsewhere?
After copious research, and deciding whether to go vintage or recent (relatively), I was set to buy a 1984 Westfalia, but pulled back, deciding it would not serve my purposes right now, rather sustaining myself longer with fiduciary reserves than blow it all on the Westy. Perhaps I was living too far into the future and not being fully within the present. This blog inspired me and I had found an amazing deal on a restored Westy in Colorado. While the bus will eventually serve me very well, my imminent (and thusly larger) focus, I had almost forgotten, is going off the grid to work on the Greenleaf's farm on Maui. Some friends who are there now (and coincidentally enough stopped by the farm to talk to Bill Greenleaf and drop a good word for me) sent me a care package with "Things to Do While on Maui" magazines and pamphlets. I'm considering seeking part time work as a zip line adventure tour guide - cash of course.
I'll be purchasing a one way ticket next week, with indefinite return plans.
Based in full reality, I have stepped up my edible garden. Three different tomato varieties, a bell pepper (red/green), 6 yellow onions, strawberry (which are already showing cute red lil treats), cilantro, and basil. The apple, peach and grapefruit trees are blooming, and I've been using oranges and lemons for a couple weeks now. Having the leisure to be home during the day time is absolutely wholesome. Each decision and move I make gets me a step closer to sustainability.
Here in LA, full freedom can be dangerous, but I'm focusing and have set goals. Unless I give myself something to do, I have nothing to do, which is not saying much, because I'm always doing something! haha. Some project, art piece, freelance design, idea, destination, social event or adventure being planned, and most of them in many stages. Some half finished in production, some flushed out in concept, and others on the back burner until there's time. Nevertheless, I find that I absolutely love keeping myself busy, and without a job to enslave my time, I have plenty of energy and resource to devote to true passions - being close to the earth through gardening and appreciation of nature, researching consciously alternative lifestyle methods, riding my bike, traveling, and art direction. Currently in the queue:
- San Francisco 5/15 - 5/18 for Bay to Breakers and visit with some good friends. Bringing my bike and will have to assemble it at the airport when I land to get into SF from the airport. I love adventure.
- Buy a new inverter - I blew the last one I had by accidentally attaching the wrong ends to the battery. Luckily it didn't damage the battery, but I definitely learned my lesson. Plus to plus, minus to minus.
- New Orleans 6/3 - 6/12 - a cousin's wedding, but my ulterior motive to go will be to check out the property my uncle has in Mississippi and look at topo maps. 200 acres of tree farm that I'll get to live on in complete solitude, hunt for my own food, channel a river, build a greenhouse, plan out The Shire... a modern Thoreau, I like to think. Next spring I'll be there for numerous weeks.
- Danny Dichotomy - finish a blog website for a good friend and musician
- My own website - I just have to do it... I seem to shelve this item frequently with bits of progress here and there. I need to complete this before I go to Hawaii if I want to take in new design clientele and therefore more savings.
- - a web design company I'm working on building with a Mr. Ladny.
- Who Rulez - the golf start-up that my friend Joel and I began working on multiple years ago is starting to gather steam. He, as a pro tour golfer, is approaching some big name golf companies for advertising, and schools and universities want our services integrated into their curriculum. This is my golden goose. I must treat it will time and love.
- Get my fuckin solar guy to come to the house. I just need to know what kind of readings I'm looking at. The numbers are all over the place, and I have no reference to anything. I have power, and it's all good, but I want to know my limits and how to make it more efficient.
- CLEAN THE HOUSE - my parents will be back in mid August and it needs to be immaculate. I've taken to living here over the last 6 months, and have gotten to be comfortable with the way that I live in it. My shit is sprawled, and its my home. Needless to say, my generous and loving parents don't live the same way I do.
- Yard Sale: "I'M GOING OFF THE GRID; come buy my shit, & YARD SALE/BBQ/PARTY" - I need to get rid of things, sell things, and go through things to minimize my necessities. Fortunately, I don't have much, and my bro will be taking most of my furniture up to SJSU for next semester.
- Buy a new bike. While my fixed gear has provided me with countless hours of enjoyment and adventure, my knees are starting to talk to me, and I'm interested in doing lengthier cycling journeys. With all the hills in Hawaii, I'll be glad I got a geared bike. I'm looking for a Surly Long Haul Trucker for its durability and trustworthiness of craftsmanship. It's reported as being a little heavy, but for the money, its worth it, and reviewed highly in every other department.
- Work on my geodome and solar box - my friend Mike and I are quilting a cap to go over the 8.5ft metal structure to resist rain and dust storms. I also need to stain and coat my wood solar box.
- Drive to New Orleans, stopping in Austin? Work in the restaurant in Covington? Since I'm not working, this seems like a good option for some extra cash under the table, but I'm wondering if it will wear me out driving so much in a short period of time. Tentatively July-Early August.
- Trimming ganja for a friend in LA for another revenue stream
- Drive up north to the Lost Coast for some coastal backpacking and sea foraging. August 10th-15th
- BURNING MAN 2010! Preparations are already in play, and this year I will not be staying with Midnight Ridazz camp, but just doing my own thing in the first come first serve section. We'll probably get there early to set up the dome, so we'll have first pick. It will be a nice departure from ordinarily being involved in a theme camp.
Until that time, FUNemployment serves me well. I think I could get used to not working in a cube. Furthermore, I'm beginning to see I should be viewing this time off as an early installment of retirement. I'm young, have money saved away, fully capable faculties and the energy and zest to enjoy it all.
This is very inspiring. I hope when I live on my own I can do some of the things you do!
you are always someone of courage and inspiration. I look up to you, sometimes, literally too!! hahaha.
anywho.... you might one day see me in Maui since that's where the Gorilla Foundation Conservatory is!!
Good luck Adam. your stories are always so uplifting!! :)
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