
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Life Parlayed

I've begun composing memoirs of past adventures to form in a book. I'll be co-writing a story that is based on mine and another individuals life exploits thus far. It started off just wanting to be experimental in design, so I needed to give myself a project. A friend from work (who is no longer with the company, but we've bridged the gap of interoffice fraternity beyond the cubicle) and I would have lunch together and rap about the epic adventures we've had. Some of them involving women or gnarly drug experiences, and the complexity of life and love. They say to write what you know, so we decided to parlay these ideas into a project and write a story in children's book style; one large spread inclusive of illustration/design and a paragraph or two of supporting storyline. We would use adult themes, with a whimsically visual execution.

Adventures to be illustrated & embellished with literary experimentation:

  • Robin Hood Thursdays
  • Hopping the train with Elliott in SC
  • Cave Expedition with Brian
  • European Backpacking Adventure
  • Igloo building
  • Burning Man (2007 & 2008)
  • Road trip to Montana & NYE in the snow
  • Road trip to Austin
  • Visiting Dana in Taiwan
  • love, complexity & levels of live. deep conversations in reaching at spiritual and metaphysical concepts
And to option my own thought with another thought I just had for the structure of such an epic book. The bible is a collection of stories and interesting occurrences told by multiple writers over different time periods.

This seems very similar.

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