It has been nearly 10 months since my last post. I feel partially guilty for abandoning my post, but that is sedated by the fact that I'm living life heartily in the present moment!
Universes explored, skills acquired, seeds planted, this wizard is leveling up.
I want perfection, so I inevitably write, review, read, and re-review an entry. The same redundancy applies to picture choices. This process takes me days, if not weeks to bang out a single chapter. By the time that's happened, a dozen more blog-worthy experiences take place and the post starts piling up. A single entry of the last 300 days becomes daunting to capture and relay with the kind of detail I prefer. So to catch up, I'll cheat with an email I recently wrote to a family friend... with bits of embellishment peppered in the sauce of this blog.
Hey Nan!
I feel like it will all come together with the right circumstance of people, placement, and timing. The universe smiles, and it's only a matter of time. Meanwhile, I battle my usual self with thoughts of women and my desires, but have been exercising the practice of self path rather than bending to fit this ideal I have in my head. Its a work in progress, but I'm seeing clarity, and I've reached a level of equanimity I've never experienced. It feels good. That being said, it would be nice to find a partner to build and make awesomeness with.
East-coasted it for 2 weeks, visiting friends in Brooklyn, sitting in on some Occupy events, built a greenhouse in Philly. Stayed at a letterpress studio doing some old school printing, spent some time in Montauk, then back to Toas to finish an earthen oven, say goodbyes (or see ya laters, as I've been finding out) deal with an almost fatal car issue and a 15 hour drive westward to return, once again, to Los Angeles. The place of my birth, where I live in my father's house. I am the son of a carpenter. I build design, grow life, and cultivate community.
So much traveling, it is nice to have some form of permanence. I'm incredibly blessed to be able to house sit. It has allowed me the luxury of a somewhat carefree existence. At least with rent, which seems to be a huge role in the modern system of slavery. RENT! I know what it's like, and I don't ever want that again. So I'm thinking of building an Earthship Survival Pod in Taos. For ~$15K I can own land and have an off grid home capable of providing all the necessities.
I've had this email sitting in my drafts box for quite some time. Every time I begin to write, I falter, desiring to be more descriptive, then I get into some more adventure, more traveling, and the whole thing inevitably become more abbreviated. But alas, here she is.
Hope all is well.
love you. Tell MP I said hello.
So for now, I will reside in Los Angeles, most likely until June. It has been such a warm welcome back. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing, inspiring, and lovely people. Makes me realize why I come back. Happy New Year, by the way!! 2012. Wow. I don't want to get off track here, so I'll set that one aside.
I've been working with Wordpress alot. I'm finding a wider audience, and experimenting with the capabilities of their platform, which is pretty robust, so I'm thinking of making the switch, but also thinking of taking a break from personal blogging to focus on larger project. This may be my last post on - however -
Creative writing and sustainable quests will continue without pause. My current passion has been producing an experimental creative magazine called Pregnant Minds. Actualizing brain babies into reality. We are in pursuit of content for Volume 2, and have artistic, written and tactile artists representing from nearly 10 countries. In my travels, I've been collecting stories and experience straight from the field to bring you creative and engaging content. It is self published, so no advertising. Anything goes. Are you working on anything weird or experimental that you'd want to put in an international magazine? Don't be shy. Send us an email pregnantminds(at)gmail
I'm available to answer any inquiry regarding travel, WWOOFing, my resources, design, Love, bicycles, or even if you want to just pick my brain about inspiration. Well, I think that about wraps it up. Happy 2012 everyone. Keep on shining. Contact me directly atomfarm(at)gmail !!
“There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.” – Gandhi
Universes explored, skills acquired, seeds planted, this wizard is leveling up.
I want perfection, so I inevitably write, review, read, and re-review an entry. The same redundancy applies to picture choices. This process takes me days, if not weeks to bang out a single chapter. By the time that's happened, a dozen more blog-worthy experiences take place and the post starts piling up. A single entry of the last 300 days becomes daunting to capture and relay with the kind of detail I prefer. So to catch up, I'll cheat with an email I recently wrote to a family friend... with bits of embellishment peppered in the sauce of this blog.
Hey Nan!
Sorry it's taken me so long to write! I hope your foot has been healing well. Adventurous climbing accident? :)
Oregon was beautiful [from March to July] and the Pacific Northwest captured my heart. The massive forests, mountains, coastline, fresh air, and of course the plethora of microbrews. I made good friends and had one-of-a-kind experiences. It was a place I felt connected to stay longer. I'm getting close! More specifically though, the permaculture education center I lived at, Aprovecho, brought me to new levels of earthen knowledge and personal reflection. I ate mostly vegan, used composting toilets, worked with 2 acres of gardens, lived in the forest, built hot water heaters from scrap and manure–we literally had running hot water from a cistern submerged in a bin of horse shit. So many happenings I want to convey! Revolutionary, if not just a personal revolution. My world is opening wide to possibilities, new ideas and collaboration with like minded individuals. A corner stone of what I'm doing all this for. Building a community. A small artisan eco-village. Atom Farm.
This is my life. My destiny. And the universe is bringing me there. Nearly two years of traveling, taking workshops, living in nature, and communal living is proof positive this isn't just a phase. I've breached veils of deception, into alternative living outside the antiquated idea of a post college norm and consumer mentality. Life is so beautifully connected outside of the box, which sounds cliche, but it's true. And possible. I'm here to tell you that. I'm seeing that modern living is a complete facade based on exploitation, operated by brainwashed slavery. I'm seeing the truth of life, and it points to Love and understanding. A shift in consciousness is coming. Economic or ecological disaster, I don't know. So I've been on this journey of harnessing skills. Seeking knowledge for a life independent from systems of control. First permaculture and gardening, and now sustainable home building. At this point, I feel like I have the necessary skills to start building my piece... and in time, I will.
What does the future hold? Specifics remain undetermined, but so far I'm seeing a more focused approach to the quest of "What am I doing with my life?" After Oregon, I spent three weeks with Uncle Paul on Big Island helping him build a single room dwelling we dubbed "Gilligan Shack." I designed an outdoor shower, and we plumbed a toilet. Just something simple to stay in while the full sized house is being built starting next summer. Then, in the beginning of September, I journeyed to New Mexico for an internship with Earthship, a biotechture company that utilizes recycled materials for building and is off the grid. It snowed here in Taos last night!!! Wild.
All of these experiences, I believe, are leading me to the genesis of a small artisan eco-village, though I'm not sure where or when. What I can say with certainty is that I look forward to finding my place. It has been a personal challenge to constantly begin from ground zero with new social dynamics and explain myself, my capabilities, my intentions, and so forth. A resume is necessary everywhere, it seems.

I feel like it will all come together with the right circumstance of people, placement, and timing. The universe smiles, and it's only a matter of time. Meanwhile, I battle my usual self with thoughts of women and my desires, but have been exercising the practice of self path rather than bending to fit this ideal I have in my head. Its a work in progress, but I'm seeing clarity, and I've reached a level of equanimity I've never experienced. It feels good. That being said, it would be nice to find a partner to build and make awesomeness with.
East-coasted it for 2 weeks, visiting friends in Brooklyn, sitting in on some Occupy events, built a greenhouse in Philly. Stayed at a letterpress studio doing some old school printing, spent some time in Montauk, then back to Toas to finish an earthen oven, say goodbyes (or see ya laters, as I've been finding out) deal with an almost fatal car issue and a 15 hour drive westward to return, once again, to Los Angeles. The place of my birth, where I live in my father's house. I am the son of a carpenter. I build design, grow life, and cultivate community.
Speaking of which - I opened the doors to AtomFarm as a small studio workshop capable of facilitating creative and/or sustainable projects. People need things designed, and people want to "go green." Together or as separate projects, it matters not. Check out the Sustainable Research Portfolio or Graphic Design Portfolio. Does your small business or farm need a logo or Wordpress website? Would you like to grow food in a small garden and have someone show you how to manage it? I can do that for you. This is how it all starts. From the ground up.
Hope all is well.
love you. Tell MP I said hello.
So for now, I will reside in Los Angeles, most likely until June. It has been such a warm welcome back. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing, inspiring, and lovely people. Makes me realize why I come back. Happy New Year, by the way!! 2012. Wow. I don't want to get off track here, so I'll set that one aside.
I've been working with Wordpress alot. I'm finding a wider audience, and experimenting with the capabilities of their platform, which is pretty robust, so I'm thinking of making the switch, but also thinking of taking a break from personal blogging to focus on larger project. This may be my last post on - however -
Creative writing and sustainable quests will continue without pause. My current passion has been producing an experimental creative magazine called Pregnant Minds. Actualizing brain babies into reality. We are in pursuit of content for Volume 2, and have artistic, written and tactile artists representing from nearly 10 countries. In my travels, I've been collecting stories and experience straight from the field to bring you creative and engaging content. It is self published, so no advertising. Anything goes. Are you working on anything weird or experimental that you'd want to put in an international magazine? Don't be shy. Send us an email pregnantminds(at)gmail
I'm available to answer any inquiry regarding travel, WWOOFing, my resources, design, Love, bicycles, or even if you want to just pick my brain about inspiration. Well, I think that about wraps it up. Happy 2012 everyone. Keep on shining. Contact me directly atomfarm(at)gmail !!
“There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.” – Gandhi